When you have a business, having an appropriate sign that advertises your business is key. But there is more to a business sign than just the one outside. Have you thought about having a sign on the inside of your business? What about signs on your vehicles? The fact is signs are more than just the lit-up signs on the pole that we all think of.
Work with the experts at Signstat Signs and learn about all the different types of signs that they have made, and how they can make signs that elevate your business to a new level.
Give Interior Signs A Look
You might have seen these at some locations that you’ve walked into. You go through the doors and immediately you are greeted with a large visual on a wall, often the name of the business or organization you are meeting with. This is an interior sign, and you can feel the presence of it immediately.
Interior signs let people know that they are in the right place. They can also convey different feelings from the different materials they are made from, as well as from how the edges are done, etc. Signs made from steel convey strength and longevity, signs that have rounded edges and lighter colors convey a softness. Often these interior signs show more of the personality than exterior signs can.
Electronic Signs
Very often when you think of an exterior sign for a business, you think of a static sign that might have the business logo as part of it, plus the business name. But have you ever wondered what it might be like to add an electronic sign? What messages might you put on that sign to help catch people’s attention?
Adding an electronic sign to complement your business sign might make a huge difference. Some electronic signs are large enough that you can play video on them as well. Imagine trying to get people to buy motorcycles from you, and you can play videos on your sign of people enjoying riding their motorcycles. Or a boat and recreation dealer showing videos of their boats on the water, or UTVs being used in the outdoors. As has been said, a picture is worth a thousand words, and these pictures and videos are priceless for marketing your business. Business signs can be so much more than just a static sign outside. Give Signstat Signs a call today.